Jelayna graduate from Bryan College of Health Sciences with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2012. She received her Master of Science in Nursing from Creighton University in 2016. She is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner by AANP. She has been with Gastroenterology Specialties since September 2016. She is a member of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.
Providers > Physicians
- Clark W. Antonson, M.D., FACG
- Erik A. Bowman, M.D.
- Andrew D. Coen , M.D.
- Mark G. Griffin, M.D.
- Matthew J. Hrnicek, M.D.
- Sally A.I. Knooihuizen, MD
- William J. Lawton, M.D.
- David P. Newton, M.D.
- Paul F. Petersen, M.D.
- Christopher C. Rife, M.D.
- James W. Roat, MD
- Michael P. Roth, M.D.
- R. James Sorrell, M.D.
- J. Reggie Thomas, D.O.
- Laura M. Vance, D.O.
- Mark A. Wells, MD
Providers > Advanced Practice Providers
- Jill Beisel, PA-C
- Megan Burkle, APRN
- Lisa Donner, APRN
- Claire Elliott, PA-C
- Amanda Hall, APRN
- Cynthia Hammond, APRN, DNP
- Kim Hiser, APRN, DNP
- Rebecca Jurgens, APRN, DNP
- Nicole Keedy, APRN
- Alexandra Johnson, PA-C
- Amy McCracken, APRN, DNP
- Stephanie Millington, APRN
- Alexa Neill-Scheer, APRN DNP
- Samantha Nice, APRN
- Marissa Sjoberg, PA-C
- Jelayna Stauffer, APRN
- Erin Zimmerman, PA-C

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