Dr. Christopher C. Rife is a graduate of the University of Nebraska College of Medicine in Omaha (2008). He completed his Internal Medicine Residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in 2011. Dr. Rife also completed his Gastroenterology Fellowship at the Medical University of South Carolina in July 2015. Dr. Rife is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology by the American Board of Internal Medicine.
Providers > Physicians
- Clark W. Antonson, M.D., FACG
- Erik A. Bowman, M.D.
- Andrew D. Coen , M.D.
- Mark G. Griffin, M.D.
- Matthew J. Hrnicek, M.D.
- Sally A.I. Knooihuizen, MD
- William J. Lawton, M.D.
- David P. Newton, M.D.
- Paul F. Petersen, M.D.
- Christopher C. Rife, M.D.
- James W. Roat, MD
- Michael P. Roth, M.D.
- R. James Sorrell, M.D.
- J. Reggie Thomas, D.O.
- Laura M. Vance, D.O.
- Mark A. Wells, MD
Providers > Advanced Practice Providers
- Jill Beisel, PA-C
- Megan Burkle, APRN
- Lisa Donner, APRN
- Claire Elliott, PA-C
- Amanda Hall, APRN
- Cynthia Hammond, APRN, DNP
- Kim Hiser, APRN, DNP
- Rebecca Jurgens, APRN, DNP
- Nicole Keedy, APRN
- Alexandra Johnson, PA-C
- Amy McCracken, APRN, DNP
- Stephanie Millington, APRN
- Alexa Neill-Scheer, APRN DNP
- Samantha Nice, APRN
- Marissa Sjoberg, PA-C
- Jelayna Stauffer, APRN
- Erin Zimmerman, PA-C

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